Hunger, Food insecurity NGOs and Charities in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing free or subsidized ration and grocery items to low income families. These ngos also provide free food in times of natural calamities.. Total Results = 14

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Edhi Foundation is one of the oldest and largest Ngos in Pakistan. It started with an ambulance service and later expanded to offer numerous charity services, including shelter homes, orphanages, funeral services etc.
Women Being Welfare Organization is an NGO working in Karachi for hunger & food insecurity. They also have ambulance services in Karachi.
This is a non-profit social welfare organization in Pakistan that's been helping people with low incomes since 1983. They provide services like health care, education, public education, livelihoods, orphan support, old age care, and emergency relief.

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