Legal NGOs and Charities in Delhi City

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on free or subsidized legal aid services for non affording population. It includes legal advice, support as well as court cases. in Delhi City. Total Results = 6

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They offer public defenders, legal aid clinics, law students, unrepresented individuals, and small law firms state-of-the-art AI legal services.
MARG advocates for legal empowerment in India and legal services for underprivileged and vulnerable groups, including women, children, people with disabilities, dalits, the impoverished, and others.
Providing free legal aid and assistance.
Saviour Foundation organize free legal advice work for the needy in society.
SLIC is a legal aid NGO in Delhi. Their mission is to create a justice delivery system that is accessible, efficient, accountable, affordable, and pro-poor.