Human Rights NGOs and Charities in Delhi City

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on protecting basic human rights. They provide advocacy, legal and other support services to those whose rights have been violated or abused. These ngos also work in co-ordination with governments on laws related to human rights.. Total Results = 8

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Oxfam India is an international NGO in Delhi. Working for humanitarian response, economic justice, disaster recovery and management, gender justice, social inclusion, and making sanitation & hygiene facilities accessible.
AAA is one of the leading international NGOs in India. They have been working with poor people in India and aim to end poverty in India. They are also promoting women entrepreneurs, working for humanitarian response to emergencies, and saving farmers.
SLIC is a legal aid NGO in Delhi. Their mission is to create a justice delivery system that is accessible, efficient, accountable, affordable, and pro-poor.
Men Welfare Trust is an NGO for men in Indian society. They are working for men's rights.