Environment and Climate NGOs and Charities in Indore

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting environment. They run awareness campaigns for climate change and pressurize governments to adopt policies for reducing carbon emissions. Many are also focused on adopting renewable energy solutions. in Indore. Total Results = 4

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Sahoday seva sanstha is an Indore NGO, which work in the areas of social justice, education, health, and the environment.
This is an NGO in Indore that is focused on poverty alleviation. It also works on environmental protection, education, health, and livelihood. They also provide disaster relief and preparedness in Madhya Pradesh.
An NGO in Madhya Pradesh that focuses on improving the sanitation and hygiene of the women as well as the education of the kids living in slum regions. It also takes the lead in promoting environmental preservation and providing career guidance to youth