Animal Rescue and Shelters in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing rescue and rehabilitation services for injured or incarcerated animals. These NGOs often have expert veterinarians on their teams that perform surgeries on rescued animals. Total Results = 119

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Buimerc would consider making chosen investments in relevant projects that have a positive influence on the community's and underprivileged members' livelihoods. Works for healthcare, women's welfare, poverty alleviation, and animal welfare and rescue.
Hakhoo Street Animals Foundation is a Jammu-based animal welfare NGO whose mission is to provide love, care, and shelter to disabled street animals, offering them a chance at a better life. This is an animal welfare NGO in Jammu and Kashmir.
Since 2017, Khwaahish NGO has been working in the sectors of health care, education, animal welfare, skill, and compassion, aiming to uplift the weaker sections of society. Under SARA, they rescue injured stray animals, run feeding drives, and adopt.