Animal Rescue and Shelters in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing rescue and rehabilitation services for injured or incarcerated animals. These NGOs often have expert veterinarians on their teams that perform surgeries on rescued animals. Total Results = 119

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Their goal is to provide the best possible veterinary care for dogs and cats.
(PFA) is one of the largest NGOs for animal welfare and rescue in India. Working as a Wildlife rescue & conservation centre. They rescue, treat, and rehabilitate urban wild animals. They have a team of veterinarians and animal welfare specialists.
The Raksha Foundation is an initiative that protects, cares for, and educates underprivileged children, as well as stray dogs and cats. They are also doing sterilization drives, animal sterilization, and animal vaccination.
Sai Animals Welfare Ashram is an animal shelter organization that gives animals the proper attention and treatment they require. They also do adoptions. This animal shelter NGO mainly takes care of distressed, unwell, and injured dogs.
Srikrishna Goseva Mandal's mission is to become India's largest and model cow care provider by safeguarding and nurturing cows, studying different breeds and their behaviours, and carrying out all connected operations.