Animal Rescue and Shelters in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on providing rescue and rehabilitation services for injured or incarcerated animals. These NGOs often have expert veterinarians on their teams that perform surgeries on rescued animals. Total Results = 119

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Voice for the Voiceless is an NGO for animal welfare and animal rescue in India.
The VSPCA is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving animal and plant life in Visakhapatnam and sees biodiversity as an essential component of human survival. VSPCA is one of the largest NGOs working for animals.
Awaaz is an emergency rescue service in Mumbai.
CUPA is an organization for the welfare of animals. It is an Animal Shelter NGO in Bangalore that offers personalized treatment for stray, injured, neglected, and abandoned animals having veterinary hospital, and 24/7 animal shelter operation.
IDA India is a non-governmental organization for animal welfare. They treat more than 1,000 animals per month. IDA is a grass-roots animal protection NGO dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of animals.