Education and Literacy NGOs in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on promoting education and literacy. Most of them are focused on running schools for the under-privileged people or those living in remote far flung rural areas. Total Results = 336

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Being Human: The Salman Khan Foundation works in the areas of education, digital language programs, computer programs, and free healthcare for the underprivileged. Being Human is an NGO run by Salman Khan.
Yes, India Foundation is a human rights NGO in India and an educational charitable organization aiming for the educational and social uplift of the backward communities in India.
UPAY is one of the top education NGOs in Nagpur. Through the open classroom, UPAY aims to increase accessibility to education for all. It was founded in order to offer a SOLUTION to the enduring issue of rural education.
Storytime is an NGO for children in Kerela. Storytime is a global network of volunteers who set up reading spaces for children. It was initiated in 2013.
Uplift a Child (Vonumu International) is a child education NGO in Andhra Pradesh. Their goal is to find underprivileged and needy kids, enroll them in school, and provide them with support during their 12 years of education, ending with high school.
SOF is an educational organization in India that works to encourage academic competition and foster a spirit of competition in students. SOF was established by leading academicians, scientists, and media personalities.
Goonj is a WASH NGO in India. They are working for the development of rural and urban development with focus on disaster relief & rehabilitation, Water, education, sanitation, health, livelihood, environment, etc.
Bhumi is the leading volunteer NGO and one of the largest youth organizations in India. They are improving everyone's future and changing the lives of children and youth in India by using the power of volunteerism.
SAF is a Punjabi NGO, founded in 2014. They are a group of Sikhs from Punjab who are passionate about aiding the underprivileged in India. Their work now spreads across nine states in India. They also work for the education of children in India.
Shaksham Foundation is a leading NGO in Ahmedabad. They are running orphanages in Ahmedabad and old age homes in Ahmedabad. They are also working for education & providing scholarships to students. Shaksham provides support to people in need across India.