Education and Literacy NGOs and Charities in Gujarat

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on promoting education and literacy. Most of them are focused on running schools for the under-privileged people or those living in remote far flung rural areas. in Gujarat. Total Results = 14

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Shaksham Foundation is a leading NGO in Ahmedabad. They are running orphanages in Ahmedabad and old age homes in Ahmedabad. They are also working for education & providing scholarships to students. Shaksham provides support to people in need across India.
VASCSC is an NGO for education, working towards popularizing math & science education using non-formal methods of education. VASCSC stands as a leading organization dedicated to encouraging scientific thinking and innovative science education.
Manav Kartavya is an NGO in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, working for women empowerment, senior citizen care, and child education in Gujarat, India.
Saath is an NGO in Ahmedabad, founded in 1989. Saath works with deprived communities and gives socially marginalized people access to livelihood services and skills that lead to employment, health care, and educational opportunities.
The Aashray Foundation is a non-profit organization in Ahmedabad. Working for rural development, firmly committed to the humanitarian goal of helping the underprivileged and disadvantaged in rural communities.
Sanchetana is an NGO in Gujarat, providing free healthcare services in India. This is a non-profit organization working in the fields of Public Health, Education, Income Generation, and the environment since 1983.