Education and Literacy NGOs in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on promoting education and literacy. Most of them are focused on running schools for the under-privileged people or those living in remote far flung rural areas. Total Results = 336

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Established in 2007, Educate Girls is an NGO for girls education. Focuses on mobilising communities for girls’ education in India and educationally backward areas. Aims to improve the quality of education for over 15 million children cumulatively by 2025.
Established in 1995, Pratham Education Foundation is an NGO for education in India that focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system.
this is an NGO working in India in the areas of education, healthcare, hunger, and women empowerment. Their vision is to contribute to building an India where all people can gain access to affordable education, health care, and livelihood opportunities.
It work passionately in the areas of health, education, and rural development. Also run 4 program under healthcare initiative, conducting cancer screening camps, providing support for cancer patients, etc. NDF is a free health care NGO in India