Agriculture NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on for support on improving and sustaining agricultural outputs. Also conduct awareness programs and seminars. Advocacy for rights of farmers and agriculture sector is also provided. Total Results = 60

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This is a charitable organization in Shillong that works in the areas of skill development, education, livelihood development, employment generation, sanitation, women’s welfare, agriculture, health and hygiene, youth and sports, and elderly welfare.
Janhit Foundation is a non-profit NGO in Meerut that work on women's empowerment, water conservation, organic farming advancement, and child rights protection. it was established in 1998.
They focus on education policy, the health system, the environment, agriculture, and working for the needy groups in society. Their aim is to support individuals in creating a better environment for future generations of youth in Uttar Pradesh.