Education and Literacy NGOs in Pakistan

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working on promoting education and literacy. Most of them are focused on running schools for the under-privileged people or those living in remote far flung rural areas. Total Results = 279

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They aim to enhance the quality of education & promote literacy. LPF’s work is different from traditional school education. They focus on fast track education & literacy programs, like 3 month remedial plan, 6 months primary and 1 year middle education.
The Pakistan American Cultural Cente is known as PACC, It is a cultural organization. PACC provides a variety of language, arts and cultural training courses. PACC is a self-financed organization. it is entirely dependent on the fees paid by the students.

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This is a non-profit community support organization. They are working in the fields of education, healthcare, social mobilization, vocational skills, early childhood development & climate change. Taleem for all is one of Pakistan’s leading organizations.

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