List of NGOs in Hyderabad

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Hyderabad. Total Results = 106

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They've earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020. Their mission is to unlock individuals' potential for positive change through innovative, empathy-driven programs that promote sustainability & social empowerment. They are working in 15 states.
Stray Animal Foundation is a foster-focused and animal shelter organization that is working to build a strong, compassionate animal welfare network in Hyderabad, India, providing shelter infrastructure, vet care, supplies, education, and manpower.
Aadarana is an orphan care NGO in Hyderabad. Established to provide food, shelter, and education to orphaned and destitute children. Aadarana is a home for neglected, needy, and orphan children in our society.