Other Societal Benefits NGOs and Charities in India

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, non-profits and charities working for various issues including Peace and Conflict Resolution, Research Work, Religion & Spirituality, Transportation , Agriculture, Sports n Recreation, Crime n Safety ,Corruption and Accountability etc. . Total Results = 109

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Bal Raksha Bharat (also known as Save the Children) is India's leading child rights organization. They are working on health & nutrition, child education, child protection, humanitarian response, disaster risk reduction, and child poverty.
Conscious Planet is an environment protection NGO in India, based in Coimbatore. Also working for agriculture in India, which aims to transform the Indian farmer’s life, as well as working to reduce the effects of climate change in India.
UWM is a non-profit organization and an international NGO in Mumbai that works in urban and rural communities across India. UWM collaborates closely on CSR initiatives with numerous corporations and a network of more than 500 NGOs.
Their mission is to enhance the capacity and skills of the people for self-employment and income generation opportunities. They are also working on sustainable agriculture and climate change in India.
SOVA is a community development NGO in Orissa. Working for community health, quality education, sustainable livelihoods, village governance, child rights, and child protection.
Uplift a Child (Vonumu International) is a child education NGO in Andhra Pradesh. Their goal is to find underprivileged and needy kids, enroll them in school, and provide them with support during their 12 years of education, ending with high school.
A global organization called Special Olympics works with hundreds of thousands of coaches and volunteers annually to support athletes with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition.
WWF is a wildlife rescue NGO in India that addresses issues such as the conservation of species and their habitats, climate change, water and environmental education, and many others. Aims to promote the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
Lions Clubs is an international NGO in India, working for community development. Their focus areas are: hunger, childhood cancer, vision, youth, disaster relief, humanitarians, diabetes, and health. LCIF was founded in 1968.
Paani Foundation is working for climate change effects in India. Also for environmental protection and water conservation. Their mission is to create a drought-free and prosperous Maharashtra. Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan is the founder of Paani Foundation.