Other Societal Benefits NGOs in Delhi

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on various issues including Peace and Conflict Resolution, Research Work, Religion & Spirituality, Transportation , Agriculture, Sports n Recreation, Crime n Safety ,Corruption and Accountability etc. in Delhi. Total Results = 5

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A global organization called Special Olympics works with hundreds of thousands of coaches and volunteers annually to support athletes with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition.
WWF is a wildlife rescue NGO in India that addresses issues such as the conservation of species and their habitats, climate change, water and environmental education, and many others. Aims to promote the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
AAA is one of the leading international NGOs in India. They have been working with poor people in India and aim to end poverty in India. They are also promoting women entrepreneurs, working for humanitarian response to emergencies, and saving farmers.
TERI is working for sustainable agriculture in India. As well as climate change, energy, environment, sustainable habitat, health & nutrition, and resources.