Other Societal Benefits NGOs in Maharashtra

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on various issues including Peace and Conflict Resolution, Research Work, Religion & Spirituality, Transportation , Agriculture, Sports n Recreation, Crime n Safety ,Corruption and Accountability etc. in Maharashtra. Total Results = 12

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UWM is a non-profit organization and an international NGO in Mumbai that works in urban and rural communities across India. UWM collaborates closely on CSR initiatives with numerous corporations and a network of more than 500 NGOs.
Lions Clubs is one of the top international NGOs in India, working for community development. Their focus areas are: hunger, childhood cancer, vision, youth, disaster relief, humanitarians, diabetes, and health. LCIF was founded in 1968.
Paani Foundation is working for climate change effects in India. Also for environmental protection and water conservation. Their mission is to create a drought-free and prosperous Maharashtra. Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan is the founder of Paani Foundation.
FIDH is an international human rights NGO federating 188 organizations from 116 countries since 1922.
The Naam Foundation was started by actor Nana Patekar. They are working for widow welfare, village welfare, army martyrs family welfare, pilot projects, disaster relief, financial aid, health camps, water conservation, mass marriages, and livelihood.
Krushi Vikas is one of the top NGOs for farmers. It was established in 1991. They are working for sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, nature conservation, and sustainable sustainable livelihoods.