NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working in Punjab. Total Results = 432

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DEEP Foundation’s mission is to promote the development & economic empowerment of people.
Aafiat is a senior citizen and old age home. It is located in Lahore.
Zunnorain Foundation is an NGO for kids suffering from delayed mental growth. Their mission is to build an inclusive & responsive society for disadvantaged people. They provide early childhood interventions and special education centre to the children.
White Ribbon Pakistan is an NGO in Lahore, working to stop all types of violence against women and gender discrimination in Pakistan. It also conducts training programs for men.

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Todd's welfare established Lahore's first shelter for animals. This Lahore based NGO works for saving lives of the sick, injured and abused animals.
Their aim is to provide a service through which children with learning disabilities can be facilitated in realizing their potential and also be provided the opportunity to be integrated into a wider society. Focus on education for special children.
JWS offers microcredit loans for poor and disadvantageous groups. They are also working on agri-development programs to strengthen the economic base of low-income farmers. JWS is one of the best microfinance and microcredit NGOs in Pakistan.

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