Child Rights and Welfare NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on children rights and Welfare. They work for prevention of violence against children and ensuring they have access to basic necessities of life. These Ngos also work in co-ordination with governments on laws related to rights of children. They also run various programs promoting welfare of children. in Punjab. Total Results = 26

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Zunnorain Foundation is an NGO for kids suffering from delayed mental growth. Their mission is to build an inclusive & responsive society for disadvantaged people. They provide early childhood interventions and special education centre to the children.

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Seek team search for people who never spread their hands in front of others and help others for their well-being. SEEK-NPO has successfully resolved many cases relating to education, poverty, and the medical well-being of deserving people.

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