Disability Support NGOs and Charities in Jammu and Kashmir

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing education and training for those suffering from disabilities so they are able to earn livelihood. These ngos have specialized education programmes and schools that impart education and teach skills for the differently abled population. in Jammu and Kashmir. Total Results = 7

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The Humanity Welfare Organization Helpline is an NGO working for the rights and welfare of people with disabilities. HWOH is focused on providing equal opportunities and also offers scholarships and rehabilitation services to disabled children.
HDC is a disability support NGO in Jammu. The organization also works on physical rehabilitation, livelihood, inclusive education, disaster risk reduction (DRR), public health, and skill development.
Their mission is to serve and empower the differently abled, the poor, and the needy. It has been reaching out to numerous sectors, such as disability, training and employment, rural development, and disaster relief. This is an NGO for disabled people.
JRC is a disabled people's organization. They provide residential care and rehabilitation to the orthopaedically handicapped and hearing impaired children. This is an NGO in Jammu, Kashmir.