Environment and Climate NGOs in Jammu and Kashmir

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on protecting environment. They run awareness campaigns for climate change and pressurize governments to adopt policies for reducing carbon emissions. Many are also focused on adopting renewable energy solutions. in Jammu and Kashmir. Total Results = 13

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HDC is a disability support NGO in Jammu. The organization also works on physical rehabilitation, livelihood, inclusive education, disaster risk reduction (DRR), public health, and skill development.
CSSS is a faith-based NGO based in Jammu & Kashmir. Working for microcredit, livelihood, CBR for PWDs, rights & entitlements, inclusive education, and disaster risk reduction.
The sara is an NGO in Kashmir, a non-profit organization working on various humanitarian issues like suicide prevention, mental health support, and crisis support. They also work on health and education services.