Entrepreneurship and Collaboration NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on promoting Entrepreneurship and business education. Many also provide collaborative work spaces and promote linkages among stakeholders. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 3

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TIE is one of the largest non-profit community for global entrepreneurs. Through their 5 pillars (Mentoring, Networking, Education, Incubating and Financing), They empower entrepreneurs to transform the landscape of entrepreneurship and business growth.
SFEA focus on Socio-political peace building, democracy and governance, women empowerment and entrepreneurship. It is an NGO in Islamabad. They works across Pakistan on social and capacity development challenges.
Their mission is to be a leader in capacity building for social enterprises that nurture wellbeing of underprivileged communities. IRM facilitate in the sustainable development of unemployed youths, aspiring entrepreneurs, street childrens etc.

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