Education and Training NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on literacy promotion. Their work includes managing schools for primary education, conducting adult literacy programs, vocational skill based training. Some are focused on educating those with special needs and differently abled individuals. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 114

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Aga Khan Health Services is providing quality health care to 8 million people annually. It is one of the largest NGOs in Pakistan. They are working on healthcare, education, agriculture & food security, early childhood development etc.
One of the largest education Ngos in Pakistan. It is focused on providing free and high quality education to under privileged children. Their mission is to increase literacy rate in Pakistan.

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Their mission is to increase the amount and impact of philanthropy for social development in Pakistan. They work to strengthen the nonprofits and foundations. PCP is an independent not for profit government support organization, established in 2001.
The Malala Fund’s vision is to create a world where all girls can learn and thrive. The Malala Fund supports education campaigners and activists who are fighting against policies and systems that prevent girls from attending school in their villages.
IPDS is an advocacy and public diplomacy think-and-do tank NGO. Their thematic focus areas include public diplomacy, diplomatic studies, leadership, peace, sustainable development studies, policy advocacy, training, and international relations.

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