Renewable Energy NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on promoting the use of Renewable energy solutions including wind power, solar power, tidal energy and other carbon neutral sources of energy. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 9

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SDPI was founded in 1992, They are working on the field of food security, gender, energy, effects of climate change, global warming and environment protection in Pakistan.
Their aim is to make Pakistan an energy self sufficient country by saving upto 30 % of energy through efficiency measures and awareness. WIE offers training workshops to address energy conservation and efficiency training needs.
SAARC Energy Centre's goal is to strengthen South Asia’s capacity to address global and regional energy issues and promote more efficient use of energy within the SAARC region. The Centre is envisioned as a catalyst for the economic growth in South Asia.
They are working in the sector of alternative and renewable energy. Their main objectives is to promote renewable and nonrenewable energy resources in Pakistan. REAP was established in 2009 to serve the community.
Pakistan renewable energy society is working for the promotion and development of Alternative / Renewable Energy technologies in the Country.

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Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

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