Blind - Visually Impaired NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing education and training for the visually impaired so they are able to earn livelihood. These ngos have specialized education programmes and schools teaching braille. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 6

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Sightsavers started working in Pakistan back in 1985 and opened a branch in the country in 1998. They specialize in eye care and helping people with disabilities get access to education and work. They also works to promote disability rights.
PFFB is an NGO for visually impaired persons in Pakistan. Their aim is to help and improve quality of life of blind / visually impaired persons (VIPs). This free eye care NGO was established in 1988 in Islamabad.
Zohra Foundation is a UK-registered charity that works to help millions of widows, orphans, and the elderly in Pakistan, as well as responding to disasters around the world. They provide cataract surgery that can make a huge difference in someone's life.
ISBP is an NGO for blind and visually impaired person. It provides free eye operation and free eye check up, free eye consultation. It is Islamabad based NGO.

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