Blind - Visually Impaired NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing education and training for the visually impaired so they are able to earn livelihood. These ngos have specialized education programmes and schools teaching braille. in Punjab. Total Results = 7

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REDO was established in 1977. Their initial aim was to motivate people to donate eyes for patients with corneal visual impairments. Now serving the needy in the areas of free eye check up, dialysis, general medical care, and dental care in Pakistan.
Al-Shifa Trust is one of the best Free eye care hospitals in Pakistan. Their mission is prevention and control of blindness by providing standard and affordable eye care services for the people. This is a Rawalpindi based trust.
POB is working for the prevention and treatment of the avoidable causes of blindness. They are providing free-of-cost diagnostic and surgical eye care services in remote areas of Pakistan. They have hospitals in Lahore and Karachi.

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They are working for the promotion of basic health facilities and education in low-lying areas. Their mission is to prevent blindness in the community by providing eye care, eye treatment, and surgical facilities. CDO was established in 1999.
AJBTI is a trust for blind and visually impaired persons. They provide life skills training and education. AJBTI kids campus was created to meet the needs of mothers who have new-born infants and pre-school children with visual impairment.

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