Mental Health NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing Free or Subsidized mental health care services to masses. These include therapy sessions, psychiatrist consultations, in-patient care, trauma therapy, helpline and mental health awareness programmes. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 5

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PYPA is a youth organization that was founded by a group of young psychologists. Their mission is to provide young psychologists with opportunities to work together for the improvement of mental health.
Art of Living is one of the world’s largest volunteer-based non-profits. Operating in 180 countries. AOLF offers numerous highly effective educational and self-development programs. Focus on meditation for depression, anxiety, and mental health issues.
Their mission is to work together with individuals and vulnerable communities to promote emotional health, mental health, tolerance, gender equality, and reducing violence against women and children. Rozan’s vision is "a self-aware, gender-just society".
GDP is a Civil Society Organization. working on protecting and promoting child rights in Pakistan. GDP believes in a democratic and humanistic society. GDP follows a holistic, creative, participatory, child-focused and human rights-based approach.

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