Child Rights and Welfare NGOs and Charities in Islamabad Capital Territory

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on children rights and Welfare. They work for prevention of violence against children and ensuring they have access to basic necessities of life. These Ngos also work in co-ordination with governments on laws related to rights of children. They also run various programs promoting welfare of children. in Islamabad Capital Territory. Total Results = 17

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Save the Children International (SCI) is one of the leading international NGOs working for children's rights and welfare. Its work is spread across 120 countries. In Pakistan, the NGO is based in Islamabad. It started operations in Pakistani in 1979.
Their mission is to provide necessary interventions, training, education, and assistance to all vulnerable groups. They focus on transgender rights, child rights, and child protection in Pakistan.

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