HIV Aids NGOs and Charities in KPK

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on HIV Aids prevention and treatment. These Ngos provide Free or subsidized health care services to those suffering from Hiv. These services include provision of medications and counselling services. These NPOs also run awareness campaigns among mass on preventing transmission of HIV and other STDs. in KPK. Total Results = 2

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DOST is a not-for-profit NGO established in July 1992. DOST is providing services to the vulnerable groups in society, including drug users, persons at-risk of or infected by HIV/AIDS, women and children in crisis, refugees victims of war and disasters.
APLHIV Pakistan is an HIV aid NGO that aims to create a society where persons affected by HIV, the associated populations, the people infected and affected by TB, and the key populations have equal rights and dignity, free from stigma and discrimination.

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