Adults Basic Education NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing basic education to adults. This includes teaching them the ability to read and write and do basic daily life mathematics. in Punjab. Total Results = 4

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Idara E Taleem O Aagahi's vision is to present education as an integral part of human and social development. ITA is one of the biggest NGOs for Education in Pakistan.
Bunyad is working for education and women’s rights. Their mission is to educate women living in rural areas so that they can become literate and stand up for themselves. It also works for youth development, labour law, and child protection in Pakistan.
ABES has worked on a number of projects in collaboration with United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Their focus area are:- early childhood education, children friendly schools, livelihood and training on subjects of english, math, science (MGT &CFS).
They provide free matriculation to uneducated or poor boys, girls and transgender students from the age of 14 years. All students get free uniforms & books, 500 rs / month stipend is given to boys & girls. 4000 rs / month is given to transgender students.

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