Vocational Training NGOs and Charities in Punjab

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on vocational training programs for the public, specially youth. These include skilled based courses that help people in getting skilled employment. in Punjab. Total Results = 24

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SOS is a non-profit organization working for the welfare, education, and upbringing of orphans in Pakistan. It runs orphan homes in Lahore and multiple cities in Pakistan.
They are working in 3 core areas:- education, social Innovation and community development. Their aim is to enhance the educational system in Pakistan through the introduction of the concept of "Informal education system" and "Education research labs".
Behbud is a self-sustainable NGO. They've been helping women artisans for over five generations, teaching over 300,000 of them. Their mission is to promote the empowerment of women and girls and to ensure the prosperity of their families & communities.
Their goal is to make a difference in the lives of youth. They are helping educational and vocational institutions to become changemaker campuses. They believe that changemaking should be considered a fundamental human right for every young person.

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Tevta's vision is to empower youth with a focus on demand-driven skills and to develop economic opportunities through entrepreneurship and job placement. Tevta short courses provide career guidance to students in every tehsil and district of the province.
They provide free matriculation to uneducated or poor boys, girls and transgender students from the age of 14 years. All students get free uniforms & books, 500 rs / month stipend is given to boys & girls. 4000 rs / month is given to transgender students.
STP's goal is to provide free of cost quality skills to orphans and underprivileged children. They’re bringing positive change to society by helping underprivileged kids. It is non-profit skill development organization in Pakistan.

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