Special Education NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on education for persons with special needs and disabilities. in Sindh. Total Results = 10

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The vision of PAB is to offer specialized training to its members who are visually impaired in order to enhance their abilities and provide them with equal opportunities to participate and make a positive contribution to society.
KVTC is the first vocational training center in Pakistan to offer a specialized Job Placement Program for the Mentally Impaired. It has rehabilitated more than 500 intellectually challenged individuals who are engaged in paying jobs all over Karachi.
Their mission is to provide the best possible facilities and services to special students. The Dewa Institute for Special and Inclusive Education provides vocational education as well. DEWA Institute is the leading institute for children with disabilities
The Effort is the perfect spot for kids who who require special attention. Young people with disabilities & their families are also paid a good monthly wage to make stuff for sale in stores. They're happy and proud to be part of the family's income.

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Al Khaereya Educational Academy provides quality special education for the blind.

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