Education and Training NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on literacy promotion. Their work includes managing schools for primary education, conducting adult literacy programs, vocational skill based training. Some are focused on educating those with special needs and differently abled individuals. in Sindh. Total Results = 185

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The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is the leading Education NGO of Pakistan. It is known for imparting quality education in its well equipped schools. This NGO was established in 1995 in Karachi.
Saylani is known for poverty alleviation work. It is one of the largest ngos in Pakistan, with headquarters in Karachi, Sindh. Services include free food distribution, education, free health services, disaster recovery, and vocational training programs.
Zindagi trust is a leading Education NGO in Pakistan. It is led by the celebrity singer Mr. Shehzad Roy. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving education in Pakistan, specially at primary school level.
Indus Hospital is the one of the largest NGO in Karachi. It provides free healthcare in Pakistan. Their networks are hospitals, primary care program, blood transfusion services, pediatric oncology services, physical rehabilitation center, education.
It is a vocational training institute. Aman Tech is developing a skilled and economically empowered workforce through technical vocational training, soft skills and exposure to employment opportunities. They are giving technical training.

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The AKDN is an international network of NGOs and development agencies. It is an international NGO based in Islamabad. Its focus work areas include Micro Finance, Education, Health and Nutrition, Economic development and disaster response.
Their vision is to assist in establishing new or strengthening current community-based organizations, in initiatives that support improved health, education, access to essential services, with the goal of increasing knowledge, capacity and productivity.
The Hunar Foundation is a not-for-profit organization (NPO). THF’s mission is to provide vocational courses and technical training to the marginalized youth of Pakistan. This is one of the largest polytechnic / vocational training institute in Pakistan.
ZVMG's mission is to serve humanity through the promotion of art and culture and the provision of high-quality education and health care to underprivileged communities. They also providing vocational training courses.
They are supporting women and youth to earn a sustainable income in agricultural economies by helping them to build skills and establish agricultural enterprises. They are also promoting digital skills to access new online markets and IT-related jobs.

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