Patient Welfare Societies NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on arranging funds for free or subsidized health care and hospitalization services for the public. These Ngos run charity campaigns to arrange necessary donations and finances for helping patients in need. in Sindh. Total Results = 4

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Their aim is the welfare of cancer patients, rehabilitation of the cancer patients, providing diagnostic facilities, creating awareness of cancer and leukemia disease, and raising funds and resources for the welfare of the cancer patients.
Welfare Society for Patient Care is a charity organization operating in Karachi, committed to providing quality care to needy patients free of cost. They also provide free dialysis and medical and surgical treatment. It was established in October 2010.
Leprosy Patients Welfare Trust is an organization that works to help people who are suffering from leprosy by doing projects that promote sustainable development and emergency relief that help people become self-sufficient and maintain their dignity.

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