Health Care - Other services NGOs and Charities in Sindh

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing other Health Care services. in Sindh. Total Results = 48

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JDC is a relatively new NGO in Pakistan, however due to its exemplary services, it has quickly grown into a large organization. Its services include health centers, education, vocational training, disaster recovery, orphanages, free food distribution etc.
Saylani is known for poverty alleviation work. It is one of the largest ngos in Pakistan, with headquarters in Karachi, Sindh. Services include free food distribution, education, free health services, disaster recovery, and vocational training programs.
Sukh Initiative provides access to contraception for families by raising awareness, and giving them more options. Its services include healthcare for mothers and children, extended care paramedic ECP and ambulance services in Karachi. (Aman Ambulance).
MALC is working for leprosy elimination, TB and blindness control, mother and child healthcare in Pakistan. it is one of the largest NGOs in Pakistan, working in the field of leprosy control. it was established in 1956.
Tabba Heart Institute are committed to provide quality Cardiac care services to the people suffering from cardiac ailments. They are one of the best and most comprehensive cardiology services in Pakistan.

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PWA has been providing free medical care to the poor and needy patients under the care of Dr. Ruth K.M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi without any cost.
Karaw-e-Hayat is a not-for-profit welfare organization providing mental health care services since 1983. It offers psychiatric and rehabilitation services to the mentally disturbed members of society, especially the poor and marginalized.
ATF has helped people in need by giving them health care, helping them with housing and shelter, monthly aid for underprivileged people, and helping deserving students with educational support & vocational training courses. It was established in 1987.
Founded in 2008 with the aim of providing basic health facilities and educating children of poor families living in the ruler areas of Sindh. The SHED Foundation works to strengthen basic health facilities and basic education. They also have old age homes

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