Health NGOs in Haryana

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing free or subsidized healthcare facilities to those in need. Support services by these Ngos include Mental health, disability support, eye care, maternity health, patient welfare societies, population welfare etc. in Haryana. Total Results = 11

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Dera Sacha Sauda, a social welfare NGO in India, upholds and engages in humanitarianism and selfless service to others. They have achieved recognition for their various welfare works by being inducted into several world records.
Womencare works to end gender inequality and any discrimination against women in India. They also provide free legal advice and help, skill development classes, free ambulance services, an old age care center, free education for women, and rehab services.
The Sehgal Foundation is a public charitable trust in India working with rural communities. Their mission is to strengthen community-led development initiatives to achieve positive social, economic, and environmental change in India.