Health NGOs in Gujarat

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing free or subsidized healthcare facilities to those in need. Support services by these Ngos include Mental health, disability support, eye care, maternity health, patient welfare societies, population welfare etc. in Gujarat. Total Results = 30

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Sense India is working for capacity building for deaf and blind people in India through an inclusive education system.
Blind People Association is an NGO for blind people in India. The BPA and the Bareja General Hospital Trust collaborated to establish Porech Eye Hospital. The BPA believes that disability rights are equal to those of non-disabled people.
Saath is an NGO in Ahmedabad, founded in 1989. Saath works with deprived communities and gives socially marginalized people access to livelihood services and skills that lead to employment, health care, and educational opportunities.
CHETNA believes that women's empowerment is a process of contemplation and action aimed at increasing self-esteem, confidence, and consciousness, allowing them to exercise their rights and enhance their health and quality of life.
Sanchetana is an NGO in Gujarat, providing free healthcare services in India. This is a non-profit organization working in the fields of Public Health, Education, Income Generation, and the environment since 1983.