Poverty Alleviation NGOs in Karnataka

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on alleviating poverty and helping the poor. These ngos work for welfare of marginalized women, arrange free kitchens, provide subsidized groceries and run other programs for the benefit of poor segments of society. in Karnataka. Total Results = 23

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The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one of the largest non-profit organizations in India that aims to eliminate school hunger by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Program. They also work on digital education, scholarship programs, and school renovation programs.
Give India is India's largest & most trusted giving platform. They are also working to end poverty and food insecurity in India. The Give Foundation exists to alleviate poverty by delivering impactful social initiatives in India.
United Way is an international NGO in Bangalore, started in 2008. That works with communities to take local action for global impact. Their key focus area are education and livelihood, environment, rural rising, and engaging corporate volunteers
It is an NGO for hunger in India. Their vision is a world without hunger and a hunger-free India. Millions of nutritious meals are prepared annually by their meal packaging volunteers that help feed vulnerable groups served by NGOs and community partners.
RDT is a rural development NGO in Bangalore. With a focus on women, children, and people with disabilities (PWD), RDT is implementing an integrated development program that encompasses all facets of human development.
It is a charitable organization in India. Established in 1969. The Foundation also runs vocational courses for women and provides scholarships for students in Bangalore. SJF also established many hospitals and healthcare-related programs.
The Lifeline Foundation is a microfinance NGO in Bangalore. They are providing sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable families, blood donation camps, and preventive and chronic health care. Their mission is to empower the poor by providing funds.