Poverty Alleviation NGOs in West Bengal

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on alleviating poverty and helping the poor. These ngos work for welfare of marginalized women, arrange free kitchens, provide subsidized groceries and run other programs for the benefit of poor segments of society. in West Bengal. Total Results = 20

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Jagorani is a charity organization in West Bengal. Its charity work includes food distribution, clothing distribution, and environmental protection. They also have an old-age home in Kolkata.
New Light is an NGO working in Kolkalta that offers comprehensive community development services, which aims to to promote gender equality through education and life-skill training thereby reducing harm caused by violence and abuse to women and children.
SEED is a Kolkata based NGO working for development of socio-economic conditions of venerable coastal community & for the conservation of nature.