Specific Diseases NGOs and Charities in Kansas

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on for prevention and treatment of specific diseases. This includes diseases like cancer, blood diseases, Hiv Aids, Parkinsons etc. in Kansas. Total Results = 19

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Tough2gether Foundation is a non-profit in Kansas. They are battling pediatric cancer by supporting families and funding DIPG and DMG research.
Bekah & Friends Foundation is a cancer NGO in Kansas. They offer emotional support, education, raise awareness, and assist families affected by childhood and ovarian cancer.
Braden's Hope for Childhood Cancer is a Kansas-based non-profit. Their goal is to raise funding and public awareness for pediatric cancer research to advance cures for children.
Dragon Master Initiative is an NGO in Kansas. Through innovation and data sharing, they advance research and provide hope to brain cancer patients.
A Kansas-based charity, Victory in the Valley, helps families and cancer patients by giving them hope via spiritual and emotional support while providing practical services to improve the quality of their lives.