Specific Diseases NGOs and Charities in New York

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on for prevention and treatment of specific diseases. This includes diseases like cancer, blood diseases, Hiv Aids, Parkinsons etc. in New York. Total Results = 36

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New York's Lustgarten Foundation is a nonprofit organization. Its primary goal is to support scientific and medical research pertaining to pancreatic cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and cure.
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is an NGO in New York. BCRF is the largest private funder of breast cancer research and metastatic breast cancer research worldwide.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a non-profit In New York. In addition to providing free information and support services, LLS funds life-saving blood cancer research globally and acts as a voice for all blood cancer patients.
The nonprofit, Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance is based in New York and is committed to developing cutting-edge science, encouraging preventive measures, and doing much more in order to cure ovarian and gynecologic cancers and improve treatment outcomes.
The Skin Cancer Foundation is NGO working in New York, United States. Their goal is to spread awareness about the dangers of skin cancer. They give resources required to detect, prevent and treat skin cancer.
CancerCare offers information and free professional support services to assist people deal with the practical, financial, and emotional effects of cancer.They offer a variety of services, including community programs, specialized programs, and counseling.