List of NGOs in Delhi City

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Delhi City. Total Results = 216

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The Center for Science and Environment is an NGO for water and sanitation. CSE is a public-interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. They are also working on climate change impacts in India.
The Manas Foundation has been working on the issues of mental health in India and has also focused on gender justice for the past two decades. In mental health diseases, they are focusing on depression treatment, mental disorders, and others.
IRC is working for social emergency response volunteers (SERV), blood centers, livelihood program, first aid, education and training program, T7tuberculosis (TB) program, family news service, youth program, and partners for resilience.
Ladli Foundation is a national award-winning grass root NGO in India. They aim to empower disadvantaged women by launching creative and effective social projects that offer fair healthcare, education, and life skills.
SLIC is a legal aid NGO in Delhi. Their mission is to create a justice delivery system that is accessible, efficient, accountable, affordable, and pro-poor.