List of NGOs in Lahore

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Lahore. Total Results = 214

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AGHS is a free legal aid NGO of Pakistan. It was founded in 1980 by late Ms. Asma Jahangir. It provides free lawyer advice in Lahore and legal representation to the vulnerable and poor segments of Pakistani society.
It is an international NGO working for animal rescue and welfare in Pakistan. It's office is based in Lahore, Punjab. It partners with local NGOs in Pakistan to carry out its relief work.
Idara E Taleem O Aagahi's vision is to present education as an integral part of human and social development. ITA is one of the biggest NGOs for Education in Pakistan.

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PIMH is a government department in Lahore that offers free mental health services to patients. It offers in-patient and out-patient services including emergency care and addiction rehabilitation.
Rahnuma's vision is everyone in Pakistan has the right to choose their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and wellness in a world free from discrimination. Their mission is to lead a movement of SRHR and family planning (FP) as a basic human right.

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