List of NGOs in Lahore

Below is a directory/list of Ngos, charities and non-profits working in Lahore. Total Results = 214

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AIDS Prevention Association of Pakistan (APAP) is working on preventive health, HIV & AIDS and STIs awareness. It is based in Lahore.
Bunyad is working for education and women’s rights. Their mission is to educate women living in rural areas so that they can become literate and stand up for themselves. It also works for youth development, labour law, and child protection in Pakistan.
Center for Peace And Secular Studies is an NGO. It is working on human rights, women empowerment, effects of climate change on the environment, peace and conflict resolution in Pakistan.
DRF is a research based advocacy organization in Pakistan. Their work involves safeguarding women, minorities, and dissidents' rights to privacy and online freedom of expression. They have a special focus on digital rights.

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Inmol is dedicated to improving the quality of life for cancer patients through welfare activities. INMOL offers diagnostic and cancer treatment centers for patients. They also provide free medicines, leukemia treatment, and diet facilities for patients.
Their aim is to provide a service through which children with learning disabilities can be facilitated in realizing their potential and also be provided the opportunity to be integrated into a wider society. Focus on education for special children.
Todd's welfare established Lahore's first shelter for animals. This Lahore based NGO works for saving lives of the sick, injured and abused animals.
White Ribbon Pakistan is an NGO in Lahore, working to stop all types of violence against women and gender discrimination in Pakistan. It also conducts training programs for men.

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