Environment Protection NGOs and Charities in Coimbatore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on Protecting environment, reducing global carbon emissions and creating sustainable world.. Total Results = 5

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Conscious Planet is an environment protection NGO in India, based in Coimbatore. Also working for agriculture in India, which aims to transform the Indian farmer’s life, as well as working to reduce the effects of climate change in India.
Siruthuli is a water & environmental NGO in Coimbatore. works the water & environmental problems and for the protection of natural resources.
AGADA is a charity NGO based in Coimbatore. that focuses mostly on advancing commercial ideas that boost women's empowerment and significantly improve the lives of women, families, and communities.
A social service NGO in Tamil Nadu is working for health care, food distribution, disaster relief, Awareness programs and environmental protection.