WASH NGOs and Charities in Coimbatore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on water, sanitation and hygiene projects, collectively known as WASH. Projects include those targeting clean and safe water supply, awareness on modern hygiene projects and construction or installation of toilets near houses in villages and rural areas. Projects run by these ngos are often funded by international donors.. Total Results = 4

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Siruthuli is a water & environmental NGO in Coimbatore. works the water & environmental problems and for the protection of natural resources.
COODU is a Community based NGO in Coimbatore. Their thematic areas are Agriculture, Environment, Health, Water and Sanitation, Public Health and HIV/AIDS care and support services. this NGO for HIV/AIDS in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
AWARENESS is a non-PROFIT organization in Coimbatore. They focus on improving basic education, child welfare and senior citizens' care, sanitation, Road safety and afforestation
This NGO works for women's empowerment and also focuses on child welfare, HIV/AIDS prevention, Community development and TB awareness This NGO working in Tamil Nadu.