Women Welfare NGOs and Charities in Coimbatore

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on promotion of women welfare. These ngos work on a range of areas such as providing affordable credit, training, education and arranging employment for marginalized and low income group women.. Total Results = 5

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AGADA is a charity NGO based in Coimbatore. that focuses mostly on advancing commercial ideas that boost women's empowerment and significantly improve the lives of women, families, and communities.
ASWO is focusing on empowering rural women and youth, as well as the marginalized and underprivileged population. Care and support for PLHAs (people living with HIV/AIDS). this HIV/AIDS NGO in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
This NGO works for women's empowerment and also focuses on child welfare, HIV/AIDS prevention, Community development and TB awareness This NGO working in Tamil Nadu.
NMCT is a non-profit organization that works to enhance the lives of tribal members, rural and urban women, and children in need by encouraging forestry, agriculture, animal husbandry, and other livelihood activities.This NGO is in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.