Maternal Health NGOs and Charities in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing free or subsidized maternal and child health care services for expecting mothers from under privileged backgrounds. Infant mortality and deaths during pregnancy is a major health concern around the world. Support provided by these NGOs for maternal health is critical in preventing these tragedies.. Total Results = 10

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Marie Stopes Society is a Karachi-based population welfare NGO that provides comprehensive reproductive health services, population planning, and family planning services.
Vital Pakistan NGO is working in 45+ locations in Karachi. Their mission is to provide quality maternal and child healthcare services in the underprivileged areas of Karachi. They provide pregnancy care to avoid maternal death.

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Their mission is to reduce maternal and infant mortality and improve the health of women and children. In their free mother-and-child hospital, they focus on maternal health, pregnancy care, and child care. They provide health awareness as well.
LDH is an antenatal care and maternal health organization. Their vision is to save mothers and newborns in Pakistan by providing them with high-quality health care and fighting against the high rate of maternal and newborn mortality in the country.
NCMNH is Maternal health NGO in Pakistan. It was established in 1994. Their vision is to help Woman or Newborn, so they can not die or be disabled as a result of preventable and treatable complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

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