Free Hospitals and Treatment in Karachi

Below is a directory/list of Non-profits, charities and NGOs working on providing free or subsidized health care and hospitalization services for the public. These Ngos run clinics as well as perform low cost surgeries for those who would otherwise be unable to afford it. They also run awareness campaigns for prevention of various diseases.. Total Results = 26

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Edhi Foundation is one of the oldest and largest Ngos in Pakistan. It started with an ambulance service and later expanded to offer numerous charity services, including shelter homes, orphanages, funeral services etc.
Hands Pakistan is a leading non-profit organization working for poverty alleviation in Pakistan. Its focus areas include health, education, disaster recovery, and WASH. Hands is a Karachi-based NGO.
AMTF is one of the biggest thalassemia treatment NGOs in Pakistan. It provides free of cost advanced thalassemia care who are suffering from blood disorders. Their vision is to create mass awareness about childhood blood diseases. Established in 2003.
The AKDN is an international network of NGOs and development agencies. It is an international NGO based in Islamabad. Its focus work areas include Micro Finance, Education, Health and Nutrition, Economic development and disaster response.
Indus Hospital is the one of the largest NGO in Karachi. It provides free healthcare in Pakistan. Their networks are hospitals, primary care program, blood transfusion services, pediatric oncology services, physical rehabilitation center, education.

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MALC is working for leprosy elimination, TB and blindness control, mother and child healthcare in Pakistan. it is one of the largest NGOs in Pakistan, working in the field of leprosy control. it was established in 1956.
PWA has been providing free medical care to the poor and needy patients under the care of Dr. Ruth K.M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi without any cost.
Vital Pakistan NGO is working in 45+ locations in Karachi. Their mission is to provide quality maternal and child healthcare services in the underprivileged areas of Karachi. They provide pregnancy care to avoid maternal death.

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