Education and Training NGOs and Charities in Peshawar

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on literacy promotion. Their work includes managing schools for primary education, conducting adult literacy programs, vocational skill based training. Some are focused on educating those with special needs and differently abled individuals. in Peshawar. Total Results = 23

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They support communities in terms of education, health, environment & infrastructure, livelihoods, food security. They also help communities that have been affected by disasters.
CARAVAN has a ton of work done, with over 90+ projects that have been completed in a variety of industries, like health, education, government, farming, irrigation, construction, and relief and rehabilitation.
SHED is a society for human & environmental development. They are providing humanitarian and development services through social mobilization, environmental initiatives and advocacy for sustainable development. They also works on rural women empowerment.
BEST Pak's mission is to reduce poverty through the provision of primary education, employable skills training and the growth of micro / small enterprises that generate income and jobs sustainably.

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