Health NGOs and Charities in Peshawar

Below is a directory/list of NGOs, charities and non-profits working on providing free or subsidized healthcare facilities to those in need. Support services by these Ngos include Mental health, disability support, eye care, maternity health, patient welfare societies, population welfare etc. in Peshawar. Total Results = 19

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Their mission is to provide medical and mental health support, clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Pakistan. They work with local resources and engage local partners. Malteser International is an International NGO working in Pakistan.
They support communities in terms of education, health, environment & infrastructure, livelihoods, food security. They also help communities that have been affected by disasters.
It is a free eye care NGO in Pakistan serving the needs of visually impaired persons. It provides quality treatment under the supervision of experienced doctors. This is one of the best eye care treatment centers in Peshawar, KPK.
Al-Sulaity Welfare Organization is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Peshawar.

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They focus on education, skills training, business initiatives and improving access to health care, nutrition and working for the marginalized groups in society. Their aim to help people with disabilities, transgenders and drug addicts in Pakistan.
DOST is a not-for-profit NGO established in July 1992. DOST is providing services to the vulnerable groups in society, including drug users, persons at-risk of or infected by HIV/AIDS, women and children in crisis, refugees victims of war and disasters.

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